About Red Sun Tea
Hi, we are Anthony Troia and Amelia Stuetzel, owners and founders of Red Sun Tea. We began growing tea 15 years ago as a hobby and a way to make our own tea at home. Our plants did so well that we continued planting until we had a hillside covered in plants. A few years ago we realized we were now harvesting much more tea than we could drink ourselves! It was time to start selling locally grown tea here in Western North Carolina.
We make handcrafted tea. Our tea garden is located just North of Asheville NC on a steep, southwest facing slope. We use sustainable, eco-friendly methods to grow tea. Our tea is picked, rolled and dried throughout the spring and summer every year. No chemicals are used in the growing or processing of the tea. Through years of dedicated effort we have discovered the best practices. Now we can provide you with the highest quality local tea, plants and seeds.